The first was a trip into downtown Bar Harbor, where we spent a little time at the rocky beach just off the pier. Lucy and I spent some time watching a lobster boat pull in and unload case after case of lobsters then load them into a pick up for delivery. We talked about the difference between a lobster boat and a sailboat, both of which were moored in the harbor.
Then Lucy and Mama took their beach treasure bags and went hunting. They came back laden with treasures. I watched from the ramp while I worked on knitting Lucy a sweater (my first try!) from a pattern Melissa gave me and commandeered the camera.
After a very filling lunch at 2 Cats (Lucy had her very first fresh strawberry, and loved it) we headed over to Seal Harbor where we played on the beach and in the water. Lucy discovered a seagull feather (she is lately enamored of seagulls) and played a game with a girl there where she would drop the feather into the river of fresh water that was draining into the harbor, and the girl (or Mama) would chase the feather before it made it to the 'ocean'. She squealed like she'd never done anything that fun in her life.
Feather in hand, and joy in heart.
I'm grateful for vacation, toddler laughs, found treasures, a small hand wrapped around my pointer finger, and screened-in beach cottage porches.
I'm pretty sure I've never done anything as fun in my life as listen to that laugh!